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VCPlus – Pressurized Perfusion System for Focal Perfusion

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  • 4 & 8 channel versions
  • Electronics compatible with electrophysiology
  • Low maintenance pinch valves or fast response isolation valves
  • Comes with free control software
  • Comes complete with all tubing


Each VCPlus-8xP Series system includes the following:

  • Magnetic stand with 1 x pole
  • Valve manifold with isolation or pinch valves and 5ml pressurized
    syringe reservoirs
  • VCPlus electronic valve controller with a USB-C cable and software
  • DB9-CABLE controller to valve manifold cable


Need to be ordered separately:

  • Compression Fittings, CF-1’s, and Quartz MicroManifold ® QMM for fast focal applications
  • PR-10 Pressure regulator controller

Additional options include:

  • Glass reservoirs for volatile solutions
  • Spill sensor: used to detect spills around the microscope to prevent damage to expensive optics
  • Flow Control Valve, FCV-1: manual pinch valve with thumb screw to adjust output flow rates from the output of the MMF-8 or MLF-8
  • 5ml or 10ml syringe reservoirs
  • Breakout Box: BOB-8 for TTL trigger inputs


Each VCPlus-8xG Series system features a choice of valves:

  • Pinch valves : The 3-way normally open and normally closed pinch valves require minimal maintenance in long-term perfusion experiments and have response times of 15 – 20 ms.
  • Isolation valves: These 2-way normally closed isolation valves  are optimized for high-speed solution exchange. These valves are completely isolated when closed and have response times of 3 – 4 ms.

Technical Data

Valve Controller:

  • Dimensions/Weight: 8″/20.32 cm x 6″/15.24 cm x 2.5″/6.35 cm / 1.5 lbs/0.68 kg
  • Power: 15 VDC/3.15 A
  • Computer Control Input: Analog input 0.5 V/valve; TTL high 1 bit/valve; USB 2.0
  • Computer Output Monitoring: Analog output 0.5V/valve; Sync TTL high
  • Manual Control: Membrane switch 1/valve; mom on/off or toggle on/off

Valve Manifolds:

  • Pinch Valves: 12 VDC/0.25 A each- 3-way normally open or normally closed pinch valves
  • Pinch Valve Opening Speed: 15 to 20 ms
  • Pinch Valve ID Tubing: 0.020″/0.5 mm
  • Isolation Valves: 12 VDC/0.25 A each
  • Isolation Valve Opening Speed: 3-4 ms
  • Reservoirs : 5 ml pressurized syringes with 3-way stop cock luer valves

Sample pressurized flow rate: 1 ml in 9 minutes @ 10 PSI / 70 kPa through QMM with 100 μm ID tubes


ALA-VCPlus-8PP 8 Channel Pressurized Perfusion System: pinch valves, magnetic stand with pole, valve manifold, 5ml pressurized reservoirs, VCPlus-8C controller and power supply, cable, and software. 8 x CF-1’s and QMM-8WT or MLF-8 and tubing not included and MUST be ordered separately.
ALA-VCPlus-8CLP 8 Channel Pressurized Perfusion System: isolation valves, magnetic stand with pole, valve manifold, 5ml pressurized reservoirs, VCPlus-8C valve controller and power supply, cable, and software. 8 x CF-1’s and QMM-8WT or MLF-8 and tubing not included and MUST be ordered separately.
ALA-VCPLus-8C 8 channel VCPlus electronic valve controller including power supply, cables and software
ALA-VC3-PS VCplus electronic valve controller power supply
ALA-QMM-8 Quartz MicroManifold® 8 to 1 channel perfusion outlet manifold with 100um or 200µm ID (please specify) tubing and tip (other sizes available – please call or email to inquire)
ALA-QMM-8WT Quartz MicroManifold® 8 to 1 perfusion outlet manifold with 100µm or 200µm ID (please specify) tubing and tip (other sizes available – please call or email to inquire) and clear teflon tubing installed
ALA-MLF-8 MilliManifoldTM 8 to 1 channel perfusion outlet manifold made of 500µm ID polyimide tubing with 1/16″ barb fittings
ALA-60mlRES 60ml pressurized reservoir assembly with 3-way luer valve
ALA-10mlRES 10ml pressurized reservoir assembly with 3-way luer valve
ALA-5mlRES 5ml pressurized reservoir assembly with 3-way luer valve
ALA-PV Replacement pinch valve
ALA-CL Replacement isolation valve
ALA-DB9-CABLE Replacement VCPlus controller to valve manifold cable
ALA-BOB-8 BNC breakout box for TTL trigger inputs
ALA-VM-STAND Replacement valve manifold stand: magnetic base and 2 rods
ALA-VC38AIRMAN Replacement pressurized air manifold tubing set
ALA-SPILSNSR Replacement Lasso Spill Sensor with connector
ALA-FEP-1 4m clear Teflon tubing with 230µm ID and 600um OD (for 100µm ID QMM’s)
ALA-FEP-2 4m clear Teflon tubing with 380µm ID and 760um OD (for 200µm ID QMM’s)
ALA-CF-1 Compression fitting for PE-10/20/FEP-1/2 tubing to 1/16″ ID tubing
ALA-TUBING-2 10′ 1/16″ ID and 1/8″ OD PVC tubing
ALA-TUBING-4 2′ silicone pinch valve tubing for pressurized flow




Rapid focal perfusion is crucial for establishing experimental conditions, such as dose response curves. Electronic control ensures quick fluid delivery and reproducibility. The VCPlus-8 pressure system can be configured for basic perfusion or optimized for demanding patch-clamp recording and imaging applications.

VCPlus-8 pressure systems drive fluid using pressure, ideal for focal applications needing small solution volumes. They offer faster switch rates at the cell membrane, beneficial for dose response curves.

Key features of the VCPlus-8xP Series:

  • Choice of low-maintenance pinch valves or fast-response isolation valves
  • Customizable reservoir sizes and materials
  • Control via DAQ, supplied software, or controller
  • Optional spill sensor with automatic shutoff to protect microscope optics
  • Quartz MicroManifold® perfusion outlet for low volume and rapid exchange
  • TTL timestamp for valve operation
  • Spike and hold circuit for rapid valve opening and cool operation



Each VCPlus-8xP Series system includes the following:

  • Magnetic stand with 1 x pole
  • Valve manifold with isolation or pinch valves and 5ml pressurized
    syringe reservoirs
  • VCPlus electronic valve controller with a USB-C cable and software
  • DB9-CABLE controller to valve manifold cable


Need to be ordered separately:

  • Compression Fittings, CF-1’s, and Quartz MicroManifold ® QMM for fast focal applications
  • PR-10 Pressure regulator controller

Additional options include:

  • Glass reservoirs for volatile solutions
  • Spill sensor: used to detect spills around the microscope to prevent damage to expensive optics
  • Flow Control Valve, FCV-1: manual pinch valve with thumb screw to adjust output flow rates from the output of the MMF-8 or MLF-8
  • 5ml or 10ml syringe reservoirs
  • Breakout Box: BOB-8 for TTL trigger inputs



Each VCPlus-8xG Series system features a choice of valves:

  • Pinch valves : The 3-way normally open and normally closed pinch valves require minimal maintenance in long-term perfusion experiments and have response times of 15 – 20 ms.
  • Isolation valves: These 2-way normally closed isolation valves  are optimized for high-speed solution exchange. These valves are completely isolated when closed and have response times of 3 – 4 ms.

Technical Data

Technical Data

Valve Controller:

  • Dimensions/Weight: 8″/20.32 cm x 6″/15.24 cm x 2.5″/6.35 cm / 1.5 lbs/0.68 kg
  • Power: 15 VDC/3.15 A
  • Computer Control Input: Analog input 0.5 V/valve; TTL high 1 bit/valve; USB 2.0
  • Computer Output Monitoring: Analog output 0.5V/valve; Sync TTL high
  • Manual Control: Membrane switch 1/valve; mom on/off or toggle on/off

Valve Manifolds:

  • Pinch Valves: 12 VDC/0.25 A each- 3-way normally open or normally closed pinch valves
  • Pinch Valve Opening Speed: 15 to 20 ms
  • Pinch Valve ID Tubing: 0.020″/0.5 mm
  • Isolation Valves: 12 VDC/0.25 A each
  • Isolation Valve Opening Speed: 3-4 ms
  • Reservoirs : 5 ml pressurized syringes with 3-way stop cock luer valves

Sample pressurized flow rate: 1 ml in 9 minutes @ 10 PSI / 70 kPa through QMM with 100 μm ID tubes



ALA-VCPlus-8PP 8 Channel Pressurized Perfusion System: pinch valves, magnetic stand with pole, valve manifold, 5ml pressurized reservoirs, VCPlus-8C controller and power supply, cable, and software. 8 x CF-1’s and QMM-8WT or MLF-8 and tubing not included and MUST be ordered separately.
ALA-VCPlus-8CLP 8 Channel Pressurized Perfusion System: isolation valves, magnetic stand with pole, valve manifold, 5ml pressurized reservoirs, VCPlus-8C valve controller and power supply, cable, and software. 8 x CF-1’s and QMM-8WT or MLF-8 and tubing not included and MUST be ordered separately.
ALA-VCPLus-8C 8 channel VCPlus electronic valve controller including power supply, cables and software
ALA-VC3-PS VCplus electronic valve controller power supply
ALA-QMM-8 Quartz MicroManifold® 8 to 1 channel perfusion outlet manifold with 100um or 200µm ID (please specify) tubing and tip (other sizes available – please call or email to inquire)
ALA-QMM-8WT Quartz MicroManifold® 8 to 1 perfusion outlet manifold with 100µm or 200µm ID (please specify) tubing and tip (other sizes available – please call or email to inquire) and clear teflon tubing installed
ALA-MLF-8 MilliManifoldTM 8 to 1 channel perfusion outlet manifold made of 500µm ID polyimide tubing with 1/16″ barb fittings
ALA-60mlRES 60ml pressurized reservoir assembly with 3-way luer valve
ALA-10mlRES 10ml pressurized reservoir assembly with 3-way luer valve
ALA-5mlRES 5ml pressurized reservoir assembly with 3-way luer valve
ALA-PV Replacement pinch valve
ALA-CL Replacement isolation valve
ALA-DB9-CABLE Replacement VCPlus controller to valve manifold cable
ALA-BOB-8 BNC breakout box for TTL trigger inputs
ALA-VM-STAND Replacement valve manifold stand: magnetic base and 2 rods
ALA-VC38AIRMAN Replacement pressurized air manifold tubing set
ALA-SPILSNSR Replacement Lasso Spill Sensor with connector
ALA-FEP-1 4m clear Teflon tubing with 230µm ID and 600um OD (for 100µm ID QMM’s)
ALA-FEP-2 4m clear Teflon tubing with 380µm ID and 760um OD (for 200µm ID QMM’s)
ALA-CF-1 Compression fitting for PE-10/20/FEP-1/2 tubing to 1/16″ ID tubing
ALA-TUBING-2 10′ 1/16″ ID and 1/8″ OD PVC tubing
ALA-TUBING-4 2′ silicone pinch valve tubing for pressurized flow
