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TEC-03X – Two Electrode Clamp for Oocytes

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Two-Electrode Voltage Clamp Amplifier for routine recordings from oocytes


Feature TEC-03X TEC-05X TEC-10CX
VC-Error display X X
PI-Controller X X X
Series Resistance Compensation X X X
Electrode Resistance Test X X X
Mode of Operation Switch Rotary switch Rotary switch Push buttons
Bridge Mode X
Lowpass filter: 20 … 20 kHz Four-Pole BESSEL Four-Pole BESSEL Four-Pole BESSEL
Direct Current output from Headstage X X X
Oscillation Shut-off X X X
Transient Compensation X
Capacity Compensation X X X
Cap. Comp. of Current Headstage X

Please note: These are the available standard configurations. If you have special requirements, please contact us directly.


Part no. Description
TEC-03 TEC-03X Oocyte Voltage/Current Clamp Amplifier
TEC-EH PPH-0P-BNC Microelectrode Holder 1.5 mm glass, w/o. port, w. BNC connector
TEC-EH-SET Electrode Holder Set for TEC Amplifiers
TEC-MOD Passive Cell Model for TEC Systems
TEC-CON SMB Cable for TEC Potential Headstage (REF)


Technical Data

MODES OF OPERATION VC:               Voltage Clamp mode
OFF:            Membrane potential recording only
CC:               Current Clamp mode
EXT (TTL):         External control by TTL
MODE selection:      toggle switch, LED indicators; remote selection by TTL pulse
Potential headstage: Differential input (for suppression of bath potentials), cmr > 80 dB; Input resistance: >1013 Ω; operating voltage ±15 V
Electrode connector:              BNC with driven shield; driven shield range: ±15 V, output impedance 250 Ω
Reference connector (bath):   gold-plated SMB, grounded shield
Ground connector:                 2.3 mm connector or headstage enclosure
Size:                                        65x25x25 mm, headstage enclosure is connected to ground
Holding bar:                           diameter 8 mm, length 10 cm
Current headstage: Operating voltage range: ±150 V
Input resistance:              >1012 Ω (can be internally trimmed)
Electrode connector:       gold-plated SMC connector, grounded shield
Power dissipation:           6 W
Size:                                 100x60x40 mm, grounded enclosure
Current range: 150 µA into 1 MΩ (standard)
Current range switch (optional):        x0.1, x1, x2, x5 (other ranges available)
Bandwidth and speed of response: Full power bandwidth (REL = 0):     >100 kHz
Rise time (10-90%):                         <30 µs (current pulse of 100 µA applied to REL = 1 MΩ)
Bandwidth switch:                          wide band or 10 Hz for simultaneous patch clamp recordings
Current electrode parameter controls: Leakage current:                              adjustable to zero with ten-turn control
Offset compensation:                      , ±500 mV, ten-turn control
Potential electrode parameter controls: Capacity compensation:                   range 0-30 pF, ten turn control
Offset compensation:                      ±300 mV, ten-turn control
POTENTIAL OUTPUTS Potential electrode:                sensitivity x10 mV, output impedance 50 Ω; output voltage range ±15 V
Current electrode:                  sensitivity x10 mV; output impedance 250 Ω, output voltage range ±15 V
DISPLAY (switch selected): XXX mV
AUDIO MONITOR: Pitch correlated with potential signals
OSCILLATION SHUT-OFF: Turns off current injection and capacity compensation, function indicated by red / green LED, disabled / off / reset switch, threshold set with linear control (0-1200 mV)
ELECTRODE RESISTANCE TEST (both electrodes): 100 mV / MΩ, obtained by application of square current pulses ±10 nA, DISPLAY (switch selected): XX.X MΩ
CURRENT OUTPUTS: Uncompensated output signal:   sensitivity 0.1 V/µA, output impedance 50 Ω, output voltage range ±15 V
Compensated /filtered output:    sensitivity: 0.1…10 V / µA (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 V / µA) steps selected by rotary switch, with low-pass Bessel filter, output impedance 50 Ω
Sensitivity monitor:                     +1…+7 Volt, 1V / switch position, output impedance 50 Ω
DISPLAY:                                  X.XX µA
CURRENT OUTPUT FILTERS: Four-pole low-pass Bessel filter
16 corner frequencies:     20, 50, 100, 200, 300 500, 700, 1k, 1.3k, 2k, 3k, 5k, 8k, 10k, 13k, 20k Hz.
Frequency monitor:         -8…+7 V, 1 Volt / switch position, output impedance 50 Ω
CURRENT CLAMP Inputs:                        1 µA /V
Input resistance:         >100 kΩ
HOLD:                       X.XX µA, ten-turn digital control with -/0/+ switch, maximum 10 µA.
Noise (in current clamp): Potential output:         100 µV pp
Current output:           200 pA pp with 1 MΩ resistance and 10 kHz bandwidth (internal four-pole Bessel filters)
VOLTAGE CLAMP: Input sensitivity:                                   :10 mV
Input resistance                                    >100 kΩ
HOLD:                                                 XXX mV, ten-turn digital control with +/0/- switch, maximum 1000 mV
GAIN:                                                  10 µA/V – 10000 µA/V , ten-turn linear control.
INTEGRATOR TIME CONSTANT: 100 µs – 10 ms, potentiometer.
Noise (in voltage clamp): filters set to 10 kHz, other settings see below
Potential output:                                   <100 µV pp
Current output:                                     <10 nA pp at 10 kHz, < 2 nA at 500 Hz
POWER REQUIREMENTS: 115/230 V AC, 60 W (1.25 / 0.63 A fuse, slow)
DIMENSIONS: 19″ rackmount cabinet, 19″ (483 mm) wide, 14″ (355 mm) deep, 5.25″(132.5 mm) high
WEIGHT: 8 kg


Manuals TEC03X manual
Brochure TEC Series


TEC-03XTwo-Electrode Voltage Clamp Amplifier for routine recordings from oocytes


  • The TEC-03X is based on the standard two electrode approach and is an ideal, easy-to-use system for recording from oocytes
  • Accurate and fast two-electrode voltage and current clamp (V/C) amplifier with PI-controller for studying large membrane currents
  • Differential potential registration and high-voltage current source output, automated electrode resistance test mode which can be used even with the electrodes impaled in an oocyte
  • Digital DISPLAYS for current, voltage and electrode resistance
  • Four-pole BESSEL filter for current
  • No virtual ground needed for recording membrane currents
  • OSCILLATION SHUT-OFF unit prevents cells from damage
  • Standard current range is ±150 µA into 1 MΩ. Current headstages with selectable current ranges (x0.1, x1, x2, x5 or x0.1, x0.2, x0.5, x1) are also available
  • Easy operation with all major data acquisition systems, remote selection of MODE of OPERATION (CC, VC), telegraphing (monitoring) outputs for current sensitivity and filter



Feature TEC-03X TEC-05X TEC-10CX
VC-Error display X X
PI-Controller X X X
Series Resistance Compensation X X X
Electrode Resistance Test X X X
Mode of Operation Switch Rotary switch Rotary switch Push buttons
Bridge Mode X
Lowpass filter: 20 … 20 kHz Four-Pole BESSEL Four-Pole BESSEL Four-Pole BESSEL
Direct Current output from Headstage X X X
Oscillation Shut-off X X X
Transient Compensation X
Capacity Compensation X X X
Cap. Comp. of Current Headstage X

Please note: These are the available standard configurations. If you have special requirements, please contact us directly.



Part no. Description
TEC-03 TEC-03X Oocyte Voltage/Current Clamp Amplifier
TEC-EH PPH-0P-BNC Microelectrode Holder 1.5 mm glass, w/o. port, w. BNC connector
TEC-EH-SET Electrode Holder Set for TEC Amplifiers
TEC-MOD Passive Cell Model for TEC Systems
TEC-CON SMB Cable for TEC Potential Headstage (REF)


Technical Data

Technical Data

MODES OF OPERATION VC:               Voltage Clamp mode
OFF:            Membrane potential recording only
CC:               Current Clamp mode
EXT (TTL):         External control by TTL
MODE selection:      toggle switch, LED indicators; remote selection by TTL pulse
Potential headstage: Differential input (for suppression of bath potentials), cmr > 80 dB; Input resistance: >1013 Ω; operating voltage ±15 V
Electrode connector:              BNC with driven shield; driven shield range: ±15 V, output impedance 250 Ω
Reference connector (bath):   gold-plated SMB, grounded shield
Ground connector:                 2.3 mm connector or headstage enclosure
Size:                                        65x25x25 mm, headstage enclosure is connected to ground
Holding bar:                           diameter 8 mm, length 10 cm
Current headstage: Operating voltage range: ±150 V
Input resistance:              >1012 Ω (can be internally trimmed)
Electrode connector:       gold-plated SMC connector, grounded shield
Power dissipation:           6 W
Size:                                 100x60x40 mm, grounded enclosure
Current range: 150 µA into 1 MΩ (standard)
Current range switch (optional):        x0.1, x1, x2, x5 (other ranges available)
Bandwidth and speed of response: Full power bandwidth (REL = 0):     >100 kHz
Rise time (10-90%):                         <30 µs (current pulse of 100 µA applied to REL = 1 MΩ)
Bandwidth switch:                          wide band or 10 Hz for simultaneous patch clamp recordings
Current electrode parameter controls: Leakage current:                              adjustable to zero with ten-turn control
Offset compensation:                      , ±500 mV, ten-turn control
Potential electrode parameter controls: Capacity compensation:                   range 0-30 pF, ten turn control
Offset compensation:                      ±300 mV, ten-turn control
POTENTIAL OUTPUTS Potential electrode:                sensitivity x10 mV, output impedance 50 Ω; output voltage range ±15 V
Current electrode:                  sensitivity x10 mV; output impedance 250 Ω, output voltage range ±15 V
DISPLAY (switch selected): XXX mV
AUDIO MONITOR: Pitch correlated with potential signals
OSCILLATION SHUT-OFF: Turns off current injection and capacity compensation, function indicated by red / green LED, disabled / off / reset switch, threshold set with linear control (0-1200 mV)
ELECTRODE RESISTANCE TEST (both electrodes): 100 mV / MΩ, obtained by application of square current pulses ±10 nA, DISPLAY (switch selected): XX.X MΩ
CURRENT OUTPUTS: Uncompensated output signal:   sensitivity 0.1 V/µA, output impedance 50 Ω, output voltage range ±15 V
Compensated /filtered output:    sensitivity: 0.1…10 V / µA (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 V / µA) steps selected by rotary switch, with low-pass Bessel filter, output impedance 50 Ω
Sensitivity monitor:                     +1…+7 Volt, 1V / switch position, output impedance 50 Ω
DISPLAY:                                  X.XX µA
CURRENT OUTPUT FILTERS: Four-pole low-pass Bessel filter
16 corner frequencies:     20, 50, 100, 200, 300 500, 700, 1k, 1.3k, 2k, 3k, 5k, 8k, 10k, 13k, 20k Hz.
Frequency monitor:         -8…+7 V, 1 Volt / switch position, output impedance 50 Ω
CURRENT CLAMP Inputs:                        1 µA /V
Input resistance:         >100 kΩ
HOLD:                       X.XX µA, ten-turn digital control with -/0/+ switch, maximum 10 µA.
Noise (in current clamp): Potential output:         100 µV pp
Current output:           200 pA pp with 1 MΩ resistance and 10 kHz bandwidth (internal four-pole Bessel filters)
VOLTAGE CLAMP: Input sensitivity:                                   :10 mV
Input resistance                                    >100 kΩ
HOLD:                                                 XXX mV, ten-turn digital control with +/0/- switch, maximum 1000 mV
GAIN:                                                  10 µA/V – 10000 µA/V , ten-turn linear control.
INTEGRATOR TIME CONSTANT: 100 µs – 10 ms, potentiometer.
Noise (in voltage clamp): filters set to 10 kHz, other settings see below
Potential output:                                   <100 µV pp
Current output:                                     <10 nA pp at 10 kHz, < 2 nA at 500 Hz
POWER REQUIREMENTS: 115/230 V AC, 60 W (1.25 / 0.63 A fuse, slow)
DIMENSIONS: 19″ rackmount cabinet, 19″ (483 mm) wide, 14″ (355 mm) deep, 5.25″(132.5 mm) high
WEIGHT: 8 kg



Manuals TEC03X manual
Brochure TEC Series