About BA-01M
The bridge amplifier module BA-01M is a wide bandwidth high impedance intracellular amplifier for recordings with sharp microelectrodes or suction (patch) pipettes. Currently, BA amplifiers are used in vertebrate (rat, mouse, cat, fish etc.) and invertebrate (leech, crab, snail, insect etc.) neurons, muscle cells, other excitable tissue and plant cells.
The BA-01M EPMS module has the same specification as the BA-01X 19″ stand-alone device except that it has only one current input range (1 nA/V), only one potential output (x10 mV), only one bridge balance range (0-1000 MΩ) and no oscillation shut-off.
Bridge amplifiers are also available as 19″ stand-alone devices.
- True current clamp operation with measured membrane potential and complete cancellation of series resistance
- Can be used with sharp microelectrodes, and patch pipettes in the whole-cell and perforated-patch configuration
- Digital DISPLAYS for current, voltage and electrode resistance
- OSCILLATION SHUT-OFF unit prevents cells from damage
- Digital setting of gated stimulus amplitude, setting and digital read-out of holding current
- Now with enhanced (x10) current range for electroporation and iontophoresis
Combine with
- EXT-10C (extracellular amplifier module)
- DPA-2FX (amplifier/filter module)
- ISO-STIM 01M (stimulus isolator module)
- TMR-02M (timer module)
and get a complete system for stimulating, extracellular and intracellular recording in one 19” rackmount cabinet