How to operate npi’s TEC-03X with pClamp and Digidata
Analog Input #0 – current in µA
Analog Input #1 – potential/voltage in mV
Analog Output #0 – current clamp (CC) command
Analog Output #0 – voltage clamp (VC) command
Set the inputs in the protocol editor
Set the outputs in the protocol editor
Advanced – Telegraphing
How to operate npi’s TEC-03X with pClamp and Digidata
Here is an example of settings and connections using npi’s TEC-03X amplifier.
Analog Input #0 – current in µA
- Connect Analog Input #0 of your Digidata to CURRENT OUTPUT of TEC-03X.
- Choose an input signal for Analog IN #0 in Lab Bench (e.g. Imemb) and set the signal units to nA, scale factor to 1 V/nA.
Analog Input #1 – potential/voltage in mV
- Connect Analog input #1 of your Digidata to POTENTIAL OUTPUT PEL.
- Choose an input signal for Analog IN #1 in Lab Bench (e.g. Vmemb) and set the signal units to mV, scale factor to 0.01 V/mV.
Analog Output #0 – current clamp (CC) command
- Connect the Analog output #0 from your Digidata to COMMAND INPUT at TEC-03X.
- Choose an output signal for Analog OUT #0 in Lab Bench or create a new one (e.g. CMD CC) and set the signal units to µA, scale factor to 1 µA/V.
Analog Output #0 – voltage clamp (VC) command
- Connect the Analog output #0 from Digidata to COMMAND INPUT at TEC-03X (same as above).
- Choose an output signal for Analog OUT #1 in Lab Bench or create a new one (e.g. CMD VC) and set the signal units to mV, scale factor to 100 mV/V.
Set the inputs in the protocol editor
Please keep also in mind: the input and output signals that you have defined here (like Imemb, CMD VC, etc.) have to be set in the Protocol Editor. Here is an example of the inputs we defined above.
Set the outputs in the protocol editor
The outputs defined above for CC and VC have to be set in the protocol editor as shown below for CC. For a VC protocol following the axamples above, change the output for Channel #0 to “CMD VC”
Advanced – Telegraphing
Using the telegraphing function allows you to change the gain/scaling of TEC-03X’s current output without needing to change this in the software manually. An analog voltage is fed from the TEC-03X’s monitoring outputs to the Telegraphing Inputs of the Digidata. The software Clampex uses lookup tables to match the input scaling in the software to the output scaling of the TEC-03X. This works for the current output and the current filter.
- connect TELEGRAPH INPUT #0 of Digidata to CURRENT OUTPUT SENSITIVITY MONITOR at the TEC-03X rear panel
- connect TELEGRAPH INPUT #1 of Digidata to CURRENT FILTER FREQUENCY MONITOR at the TEC-03X rear panel
- use the following settings in “Telegraphed Instrument” in Clampex:
- Select “Analog IN #0” from the “Input Channels” list
- Select “NPI TEC (mV/nA)” from the “Telegraphed Instrument” dropdown menu
- Select “Telegraph Input 0” for Gain
- Select “Telegraph Input 1” for Frequency
About the author:
Dr. Jens Looser
- Studied Biology at the University of Würzburg
- Did his PhD thesis in Georg Nagel’s lab, characterizing light activated proteins (Channelrhodopsin and PAC) using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique in Xenopus oocytes
- Joined npi in 2010. Working in sales & support, doing installations and trade shows.