How to operate npi’s TEC-03X with pClamp and Digidata
Content Analog Input #0 - current in µA Analog Input #1 - potential/voltage in mV Analog Output #0 - current clamp (CC) command Analog Output #0 - voltage clamp (VC) command Set the inputs in the protocol editor Set the outputs in the protocol editor Advanced - Telegraphing How to operate npi's TEC-03X with pClamp and Digidata Here is an example of settings and connections using npi's TEC-03X amplifier. Analog Input #0 - current in µA Set CURRENT OUTPUT SENSITIVITY of TEC-03X to 1 V/µA. Connect Analog Input #0 of your Digidata to CURRENT OUTPUT of TEC-03X. Choose an input signal for Analog IN #0 in Lab Bench (e.g. Imemb) and set the signal units to nA, scale factor to 1 V/nA. Back to top. Analog Input #1 - potential/voltage in mV Connect Analog input #1 of your Digidata to POTENTIAL OUTPUT PEL. Choose an input signal for Analog IN #1 in
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